First Time User Login

If your organization is using Single Sign On, you will be directed where to login to SecureSheet internally.

  1. Click here to access the SecureSheet login page.
  2. Click Forgot your password? or this reset password link.

  1. Enter your Email and click Reset Password.

  1. Check your email for your temporary password.
  2. Go back to the SecureSheet login page.
  3. Enter your Email address in the Email field.
  4. Enter the temporary password you received in the Password field. 
  5. Click Log In. Follow the prompts to set your permanent password.

NOTE:  IF you forget your password, you can reset it anytime by clicking this reset password link, or by clicking ‘Forgot your password?’ on the SecureSheet Login screen.

More information about passwords:

  • The system will prompt for a reset password for the first login attempt beyond 90 days.

  • Here are the guidelines for passwords (strong passwords must meet the following minimum standards):
    • at least eight (8) characters in length (this is configurable by organization)
    • contain at least one lowercase character
    • contain at least one number
    • contain at least one special character
    • contain at least one uppercase character
    • updated every 90 days (though this policy is not necessarily deemed safer by security experts)
    • SecureSheet can set a "Strong Psasword" option for your organization with your defined minimum password length

NOTE:  If desired, SecureSheet can set a strong password option for your organizatoin so that the password expires every 90 days and passwords must include special characters